Level 09

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Level 09
Level Number: #09
Alt. Names: Fake Pink Desert
Part of the Hero's Journey: 4E 4F 54 20 46 4F 55 4E 44
Trophies: Ȅ̵͓̘͆R̷̡̋͒R̸͖̫͂͝O̵̲͊R̸͚͓̾
Symbols: 4
Main article: Locations

Level 09 - named just as much for its hex code as for the fact that it's the "ninth" level - is a dummied out, beta version of the Pink Desert that is almost entirely playable.

Due to ShoutWiki policies, this article doesn't explain how to get to Level 09. However, we'd still like to outline as much information about it as possible, whether or not you play in it.

You CAN meet other players in Level 09, although the odds of running into one by chance are slim, as they also have to be playing Level 09.

Note: This article is currently based solely on the PC version. If you can confirm whether the information is the same or different on different platforms, please help to do so.

General Differences[edit | edit source]

The shading works differently in Level 09. Lit areas are lighter, shadowed areas are darker, and things that are touching the sand have a white-colored "shading."

Comets are brighter and denser.

Most sounds are missing, as is most of the music.

The chirp sounds are the same as in the Snow level.

Like in the beta, Ribbons float above War Machine pieces, instead of being connected to the inside through a slot.

In general, Dolphins are less active. Often, they'll sort of drift around the desert, or hover in place, instead of acting playful.

There is no Flower.

Even the Windwalls look different, being made up of unanimated images of sand clouds that move across the screen.

Some textures are missing - in particular, the grates in the factory that move. Thus these grates are invisible.

There is a small sandfall around the factory that juts out more than usual before falling.

When loading the level, the Wayfarer will be a Red Cloak, regardless of what cloak color you had before.

If you get too close to the Little Tower, or the camera swings too close to it, the game will crash.

There are a lot more markers by the Shrine.

Symbols[edit | edit source]

There are four collectible Symbols in Level 09. The state of these symbols can be saved to your save file.

  1. In the center-east-ish area, in the corner-ruin that holds a mural in the final version.
  2. At Shooting Star Ruins, though the comet comes down long before you get there, giving you no chance to catch it. The symbol will also appear in the middle of the ruins. A pillar of light will glow from it, helping you find it from a distance.
  3. Directly to the west of symbol #1, around a small piece of unassuming ruins.
  4. North-north-west-ish of the War Machine pieces that you release the Longtail from, behind the west side of a somewhat tall, wide dune, around another small piece of unassuming ruins.

Little Tower[edit | edit source]

As noted above, the game will crash if the player gets too close to it. However, it can still be viewed from a distance. If you look at it from the right angle, you can still see a couple schools of Fish, as well as a ribbon connected to War Machine pieces, to release a dolphin from.

However, if you look close enough, you can see a little statue with six markers around it. This is a beta version of a mural. In the beta, these statues would trigger a short vision, and a scene would be left on the floor below the feet of the Wayfarer(s), instead of on a wall.

The following video shows the little tower and the removed Vision Statue (jump to 2:35 to see it):

Confluence[edit | edit source]

Confluence is virtually identical to how it was in the beta: Thársos comes to meet the Wayfarer(s) in the physical world, bearing a gold-bronze colored symbol. The symbol disappears before you can get a good look at it. The history lesson begins, and consists of a series of cloth tapestries shown in succession, telling a story of cloth creatures being used to power buildings, and disintegrating into sand. The creatures get fewer as more buildings are built. The the last image is of of two Ancient Rythulians holding onto either end of a cloth creature. The vision ends, and Thársos' symbol (though invisible) is gifted to the Wayfarers. The Wayfarer(s)' embroidery is changed to the second tier - the first one with 'waves' on it. The there is surprise from the 'Farer(s), and while they're distracted, Thársos vanishes.

The dolphins are released, and will automatically take the player(s) to the next level.

Speculation[edit | edit source]

It's possible that Level 09 was left in on purpose, as an Easter Egg for anyone who could find it. The fact that it's numbered immediately after the credits seems to support this, as well as the fact that it gives you the second tier of embroidery - if you were given a tier according to your level number, it would probably bump you all the way up to full tier.

If nothing else, the fact that it still exists in the game after several builds (and new console releases) strongly suggests that ThatGameCompany decided to leave it in for players to enjoy, even if it was an accident.

The presence of the vision statue on the top of the little tower could be related to the reason why the game crashes: it could be that the game tries to load a script, a variable, or even a texture that no longer exists in the game files. The fact that the statue itself is still there can be seen as pretty amazing.

How to get there[edit | edit source]

This level can be reached by editing the save file to load in there when the game starts or editing the game itself to get warped there instead of being warped to another location (for example editing teleports in Chapter Select to teleport you there). You won't find any exact instructions here as this wiki does not cover any "hacking" of the game. You can learn more about getting to level 09 by looking at the game forums or discord.

Next Level[edit | edit source]

Sunken City (SC) (no, really!)

See Also[edit | edit source]

Pink Desert (PD)
The beta