The game Journey has very little text in it, with most text being in menus and the credits. As such, very few things in the game have "official" names. Thus, the fans have come up with various names of their own, occasionally basing them off what few official sources have been found.
Because of this, many things in the game have more than one name, with certain names being more common in some circles of the community than others. While we try to be fairly consistent on this wiki, we still want users to be able to understand the various terms that they might find, and to have a handy reference in case they need it.
If adding/editing terms, make sure to make adjustments to both the subject-based, and the alphabetical glossaries, if needed. Try to keep entries similar on each, with adjustments based on context if needed. Use links as appropriate.
Glossary by subject[edit | edit source]
Level Names[edit | edit source]
- Chapter Select - Common name for the first level, though may sometimes only be used for the 'Hub' area (see below)
- CS - Short for "Chapter Select"
- Graveyard - Semi-official name for the first level (used in the game files), but can also be used to mean only part with the earlier part with the gravestones
- Hub - Term for the part of the Chapter Select level that actually has to do with selecting your chapter (after your first playthrough), as well as seeing your progress on the Symbols and Murals
- Broken Bridge - Common name for the second level
- BB - Short for "Broken Bridge"
- Threshold - Another name for this level
- Barrens - Another name for this level, used in the game files
- Pink Desert - Self-descriptive name for the third level
- Pink Dunes - Alternate name for the above
- PD - Short for "Pink Desert" or "Pink Dunes"
- Sunken City - Most-official name for the "sand surfing" level, used in the code as well as the trophy descriptions; also sometimes used for the Underground area, in fanworks
- SC - Short for "Sunken City"
- Ruined Metropolis - Another name for "Sunken City"
- Canyon - Name used in the game files for the Sunken City level
- Underground - The underground level
- UG - Short for "Underground"
- Cave - Name used in the files for the Underground level
- Underground Passage - Another name for the Underground level
- Underworld - "
- UP - Short for "Underground Passage"; not as commonly used as "UG"
- U - Short for "Underground" or "Underworld"; not as commonly used as "UG"
- Tower - Name used on this wiki for the level with the tower, commonly used by players who focus on the gameplay
- Temple - Another common name for this level, often preferred by creative fans
- Ruins - Another name for the tower; used in the game files[verification needed]
- Vertical Temple - Another name for the tower level
- Underworld Temple - "
- Underwater Temple - "
- The Cistern - "
- T - Short for "Tower" or "Temple"; not commonly used
- Snow - Name used on this wiki for the snowy level, commonly preferred by players who focus on the gameplay
- S - Short for "Snow"; not commonly used
- Mountain - Used in the game files, seems to be preferred by creative fans
- Snowy Fields - Another term for the Snow level
- Mountain Pass - "
- Paradise - Common name for the final level, used on this wiki
- P - Short for "Paradise"; not commonly used
- Summit - Another name for the final level, used in the game code
- Heaven - Yet another name for the final level
- Level 09 - A "dummied out" version of Pink Desert, from the beta
Locations in Levels[edit | edit source]
Multiple levels:
- Aqueduct - In-files term for the channels - often part of a bridge - that were made to channel cloth fish to different places to be used as as a power source, and now often channel sand
- Conduit Tower - A tower that can channel cloth fish and their energies upwards; THE Tower is a Conduit Tower
- Wind Wall - An invisible barrier at the edge of a level that will literally blow you back if you try to get past it; can often be bypassed, allowing the player(s) to go out of bounds
From this point, locations are listed (roughly) in the order one is most likely to encounter them in.
Chapter Select:
- Graveyard - The first part of the level, with all the gravestones
- Hub - The second part of the level, where you can skip to a later chapter if you've completed the game before
Broken Bridge:
- Sandfall - Where sand falls, similar to a waterfall; sometimes actually called a "waterfall"
- Headbonkers Cave - The cave with the mural in it; can be used to go Out of Bounds
Pink Desert:
- Shooting Star Ruins - The ruins where a comet creates a school of fish and becomes a collectible Symbol
- Little Tower - The tower with a Symbol on top, near where a dolphin can be released
- War Machine Factory - Factory at the north end of the Pink Desert, where dolphins are inserted into newly-made War Machines
- WM Factory - Short for "War Machine Factory"
- Factory - Simple name for the War Machine Factory
- Tower - Another name for the factory, aside from being a term for the 6th level
- Sandstorm Tower - "
- Factory in the Sandstorm - "
Sunken City:
- 1st Slide - The first part of the level, where you slide down a hill; a Symbol can be found along the way
- First Slide - Longer form of "1st Slide"
- Short Sand Slalom - Another term for the first slide
- Banjah's Hill - The first dune, right near the entrance of the level, on the left, where Zimcloak and the low frame rate glitch can occur; named for the player Banjah; sometimes written as "Banja's Hill"
- Zymor Hill - Another term for Banjah's hill
- Rest Stop - Small area between sand slides, where a few dolphins and some fish are released, and both a Symbol and a Mural can be found
- Rest Zone - Another name for the rest stop
- 2nd Slide - Second sand-surfing part of the level; another Symbol can be found here
- Second Slide - Longer form of "2nd Slide"
- Long Sand Slalom - Another term for the second slide
- Sunset Hall - Hall where the sunset, and the mountain can be viewed; known for the sideways camera view
- Horizontal Hallway - Another term for Sunset Hall
- Hall of Light - "
- The Final Slide - The last sand-surfing part of the level, where you're more-surrounded by buildings that aren't quite as ruined
- The Last Slide - Another name for the Final Slide
- The Pit - The place where you drop after the final slide.
- Friendly Tunnels - A term for the first part of the Underground, with spots of light, fallen tubes/pipes, some fish, and where the longtail plays
- Kelp Room - Room full of kelp; first location where kelp shows up
- Jellyfish Room - Room with several jellyfish creatures; first location where jellyfish are found
- Аmbusher Room - Room where the first war machine wakes up, eating the longtail
- Ambush Room - Another term for the Ambusher Room
- AR - Short for "Ambusher Room" or "Ambush Room"
- Unfriendly Tunnels - Tunnels where war machines patrol
- First Room - First part of the Unfriendly Tunnels, where the first war machine eats a shool of fish
- Fish Room - More-specific term for the area where the first war machine eats a school of fish
- Flyer Room - Another name for the Fish Room
- Fish Room - More-specific term for the area where the first war machine eats a school of fish
- Second room - Second part of the Unfriendly Tunnels, where the second war machine wakes up
- Third room - First part of the Unfriendly Tunnels, where the last Underground symbol can be found; last section before the War Machine Slide
- First Room - First part of the Unfriendly Tunnels, where the first war machine eats a shool of fish
- War Machine Slide - Slide at the end of the Underground, sometimes just called "slide"
- WM Slide - Short for "War Machine Slide"
- Whale Room - Room where the first whale waits until the goo reaches said room; the whale will swim out once the goo reaches that level
- Thawing Room - Exit of the temple/tower, by the entrance of Snow; place where players can thaw if they re-enter it
- Entrance Gates - The gates near the entrance (which ones, exactly? [clarification needed])
- Windy Valley - What it sounds like; a valley with intermittent wind gusts
- Dolphin House - A part of a broken war machine, where a frozen dolphin hides (Which WM part? Before or after finding the dolphin? [clarification needed])
- Carpet House - Another name for the Dolphin House
- Heater Room - A room that works as a resting point, where a heater can be activated, warming the player(s)
- Sanctuary - Another term for the heater room; seems to be preferred by more-creative-oriented fans
- Lamp-Lit Rest Area - Another term for the heater room/sanctuary
- Lantern Shelter - "
- Scarf Bridge - Name for the bridge made of a frozen banner
- Frosty Bridge - Another name for the scarf bridge
- Patrol Fields - Fields that war machine(s?) patrol
- War Machine Valley - Another name for the Patrol Fields
- Shortcut Cave - Cave on the side of the Patrol Fields, arguably makes the path longer; has a mural inside
- Icy Cave - Another name for Shortcut Cave
- Whale Graveyard - A place, resembling an old courtyard, where a frozen whale and lots of frozen kelp can be found
- Seaweed Valley - Another name for the Whale Graveyard
- Windy Balcony - Balcony where very strong winds will try to push the player(s) back, or even off of the balcony
- Crashed WM Ledge - A ledge below the Windy Balcony that you can fall down to; includes a crashed war machine with frozen banners coming out, so that you can make your way up to the balcony
- Crashed War Machine Ledge - Longer form of "Crashed WM Ledge"
- Crashed WM Ledge - A ledge below the Windy Balcony that you can fall down to; includes a crashed war machine with frozen banners coming out, so that you can make your way up to the balcony
- Final Climb - The place of the final uphill climb in Snow, with all the grave markers
- Death March Field - Another name for the Final Climb area
- Klowny Mountain - A free-standing mountain at the beginning of Paradise, on the west-ish side, named after the player (Beloved)Klowny, who passed away in 2019
- Gate 1 - The first gate in Paradise
- Gate 2 - The second gate in Paradise
- Lower Mountains - Entrance part of Paradise; includes the first and second gates
- Snow Slalom - Slide area in Paradise
- Ski Slope - Another name for the Snow Slalom
- Kelp Climb - Uphill area with lots of kelp
- Jellyfish Pool - Area with jellyfish inside, and above, suspended (spirit) water
- Gate 3 - The third gate in Paradise
- Whale Pools - An area with a number of pools, and where two whales play
- Waterfall Cascade - Another name for the Whale Pools
- Gate 4 - The fourth gate in Paradise
- Road of Reminiscing - Term for the area from the Lower Mountains to the Whale Pools; named such because it's almost as if you're going through the first levels all over again, but shorter, and more carefree-feeling
- Road of Reliving - Another name for the Road of Reminiscing
- Arc of Light - Area beyond the fourth gate, where light streams down, and players will radiate a golden glow
- Golden Bridge - Another name for the Arc of Light
- Jenova's Peak - The top of the mountain
- Place of the Doodlers - Spot on Jenova's Peak where players like to doodle things in the snow/white sand (most often a heart)
- The Final Walk - What it sounds like; the final walk towards the entrance to the light
Basics[edit | edit source]
- Gravestone - Self-explanatory; typically upright stones with a hole in the top, can be found around shrines and murals, as well as scattered around various places - some need to be activated via chirping, or by being physically close to them
- Marker - Another term for a gravestone
- Symbol - Can refer to a number of different things:
- The symbol assigned to a player; visible when they chirp, but can also appear on their character's chest when touching another player, or submerged in goo
- Collectable items that lengthen your scarf; these symbols look different from any other kind of symbol in the game, and will change form before you collect them
- Anything that resembles Rythulian writing; often seen on various cloth creatures
- Heart Symbol - Another term for the symbol that a character has, often used in fanworks
- Name Symbol - Another term for the symbol that a character has
- Soul Symbol - "
- Nametag - Another term for the type of symbol a Wayfarer can have, used in the game files
- Chirp - The most common community name for the sounds that various creatures make, particularly the Wayfarer.
- Chime - What chirping is called in the English PC version
- Singing - What chirping is called in the German PC version (translated)
- Utterance - Another common term for the chirping; tends to also refer to one's Symbol, and how it represents the 'utterance' of that particular character
- Ping - Another term for a chirp
- Shout - Another term for a chirp, particularly a large chirp
- Fus Ro Dah - Silly name for a chirp, especially a large one; named after the most famous Shout in Skyrim
- Meditation - When a Wayfarer sits with legs crossed
- Shrine - A triangular statue representing an Ancestor
- Statue - Another term for a Shrine
- Meditation circle - The circle of light that appears in front of a Shrine once all the markers are activated
- Cake and Candles - A nickname for the Shrine, specifically for the round meditation circle (cake) and the markers surrounding it (candles)
- Confluence - The process of meeting an Ancestor; this term comes from the soundtrack, and is commonly used by creative fans
- Vision - Another term for a confluence/history lesson
- History Lesson - The visual story shown to the player(s), by an Ancestor, during Confluence
- HL - Short for "History Lesson"; this term is favored by fans more focused on gameplay, often being used to refer to the Shrine, Confluence, etc.
- Triangular Ancestor Cutscene Starter Thing - Silly term for the shrine, by Rebmakash
- Mural - Term, preferred on this wiki, for ancient pictures scattered throughout the game; the image will appear once all the markers around it have been activated
- Glyph - Another name for Murals; can easily be confused with "Symbol"
- Tapestry - Another term for a Mural, or for the image shown to a player during a History Lesson
- Picture - Another name for a Mural
- Storyboard - "
- War Machine Piece - A non-functioning (or partially functioning) part of a broken War Machine; usually found in groups
- Comet - A term for the light particles that come from the mountain, believed to be the 'souls' of Wayfarers and other cloth creatures; one of them can turn into a collectible Symbol in the Pink Desert; this term is found in the game files
- Shooting Star - Term used for the above
- Goo - Liquid in the Tower that rises as one activates the murals, often written as "GOO"
- Liquid Light - Another term for the goo
- Soul Juice - "
- Spirit Mist - "
- Spirit Water - "
- Water - Another term for the goo; can also refer to the water in Paradise
- Fluid - Semi-official term for goo and water, used in the PC graphics settings
- Whistling Stone - A large stone with a hole that whistles as the wind blows through it, and that offers shelter from said wind; this term is used in the game files
- Windy Stone - Another name for a whistling stone
Beta objects[edit | edit source]
- Vision Statue - A bird-like statue that triggered a short vision. Later replaced with murals.
Main Character[edit | edit source]
- Wayfarer - A common term for the main character(s), used on this wiki
- Traveler - "
- Journeyman - "
- Journeyer - "
- Wanderer - "
- Clothie - A cute name for the main characters
- Chirper - "
- Dude - Another name for a wayfarer, used in the game's code (including programmers' comments)
- 'Farer - Short for Wayfarer; may be seen in some fanworks as part of a title, as in "I am [name], 'farer of [trait/power]."
- Cloth Ninja - A name referring to the original concept of the main characters; still sometimes used in the game code, or for wayfarers in general
- Rythulian - Name for the species of the main character(s), and other creatures like them, leaked by one of the game creators; Rythulians are officially genderless, but fan characters are often gendered
- Red Cloak - A term for a character/player in the standard red cloak, preferred on this wiki
- RC - Short for "Red Cloak"
- Red Robe - A term for a character/player in the standard red cloak/robe
- RR - Short for "Red Robe"
- Reddie - A cute nickname/term for a character/player in a red cloak/robe
- White Cloak - A player who has collected all the symbols (thereby gaining the Transcendence trophy) and switched the color of their cloak; has a longer scarf at start, which will recharge when they touch the ground; this term is preferred on this wiki
- WC - Short for "White Cloak"
- White Robe - Another term for a White Cloak
- WR - Short for "White Robe"; can also mean "World Record," especially in speedrunning communities, so it's suggested not to use it on this wiiki
- Whitey - A cute nickname/term for a character/player in a white robe/cloak
- Transcendent - A fan term for a player/character who's gained transcendence, coined because 1) fan characters can come in all sorts of different colors, and 2) players have sometimes been known to retexture their cloaks
- Tier - Refers to the level of embroidery a player/character has, which increases with each complete playthrough of the game (i.e. played from the first level to the end, instead of jumping to another level from Chapter Select - counts even if they jumped back to Chapter Select before continuing to the end of the game)
- First Tier - The basic level of embroidery had during their one's playthrough; a first tier can neither be a White Cloak, nor meet a White Cloak (or at least, they're not supposed to)
- Second Tier - The embroidery level of a player who's completed the game at least once; unavoidable since a first run cannot use the Chapter Select option
- Third Tier - The embroidery level of a player who's completed at least two complete playthroughs
- Fourth Tier - The embroidery level of a player who's completed at least three complete playthroughs; terms for a player with this include:
- Full Tier
- Full Run
- Full Embroidery
- First Run - Another term for a player on their first playthrough on that save file; can neither be a White Cloak, nor meet a White Cloak (or at least, they're not supposed to)
Cloak Glitches[edit | edit source]
- Zimcloak - A shiny/silky, rainbow-looking cloak glitch that can occur on Banjah's Hill in Sunken City
- Sandcloak - A visual glitch where a wayfarer's cloak looks like the sand around it, which can occur in various out-of-bounds areas
- Sandfarer - A term for a wayfarer with this type of cloak
- Snowcloak - A visual glitch where a wayfarer's cloak looks like the snow around it, known to occur in some places in the out-of-bounds area of the Snow level; technically a variation of a Sandcloak
- Snowfarer - A term for a wayfarer with this type of cloak
- Invisible Cloak - When a wayfarer's cloak turns invisible
- Invisible Scarf - When a wayfarer's scarf turns invisible
- Scarfless Flyer - A wayfarer with an invisible scarf; still able to fly normally, and will gain flight power if a symbol is collected
- Disco Robe - A wayfarer whose robe changes colors; can occur in Disco Zones
- Crazy Scarf - A wayfarer's scarf that's just flying all over the place; known to happen with the Disco Robe effect
Online Play[edit | edit source]
- Companion - Term for another player met in-game
- Companion Pointer - A glow that shows on the edge of the screen when your companion isn't in your field of view; as the name suggests, it tries to point in the direction of your companion
- Companions Met Along the Way - The list of companions that you met during your last playthrough; shown after the credits, but before the menu appears again
- CMATW - Short for "Companions Met Along the Way"
- Disconnect - When the connection between two players is lost
- DC - Short for "Disconnect"
- Dusting - When a companion's character model sits down and turns to dust; happens after a disconnect
- Reconnect - When the games of two players who already were companions in their current playthrough are connected again; the game will try to reconnect you with your last companion
- RC - Short for "Reconnect"
Creatures[edit | edit source]
- Cloth Fish - A name for the tiny, rectangular cloth-creatures that fly around in schools (or "swarms" or "flocks"); used on this wiki, generally preferred by more-creative fans
- Flyer - Another name for the tiny, rectangular creatures; generally preferred by more gameplay-oriented fans
- Paper - Another name for these creatures
- Clothite - "
- Ribbon - A term for the long pieces of cloth(-creatures) that are always connected to something; used on this wiki
- Banner - Another term for the long cloth(-creature)s
- Streamer - Yet another name for the above
- Cloth Dolphin - A name for the playful cloth-creatures met in the Pink Desert; used on this wiki, generally preferred by more-creative fans
- Carpet - Another name for those playful cloth-creatures; and preferred by more gameplay-oriented fans
- Manta - Yet another name for the playful critters
- Kite - "
- Little Dragon - "
- Dolphin Rug - "
- Flying Carpet - "
- Group of Dolphins - Term for, well, the group of dolphins that gets released all at once in the Pink Desert
- Group of Carpets - Another term for the above
- Prisoner Dolphins - Term for the dolphins stuck in the 'window' of the War Machine Factory; oddly, seems to be mostly used for the dolphins that can be released with a chirp, instead of the ones released after the history lesson
- Prisoner Carpets - Another term for the above
- Longtail - A name for a specific Dolphin-creature with a longer tail than the others, found close to the entrance of the Pink Desert
- Lorelei - Another name for the above
- Frederick - A dolphin that will bring a player to the top of a dune after the group of dolphins is released
- Kelp - Ribbon/Banner clusters that resemble their namesake
- Seaweed - Another name for Kelp
- Jellyfish - Name for cloth creatures that resemble their namesake; first seen in the Underground level
- Chinese Lantern - Another name for those creatures
- Mushroom - "
- Flower - Another term for the above, but can also be used for the flower in the Pink Desert
- War Machine - A common name for the stone machines; their remains are all over the game, but the first active ones are seen in the Underground level
- WM - Short for War Machine
- Leviathan - Another term for a War Machine
- Stone Serpent - "
- Stone Snake - "
- Dragon - "
- Stone Dragon - "
- Ironclad Dragon - "
- Stone Kite - "
- Cloth-Eater - Another term for the above; in Fanon, may also be used for a corrupted Rythulian that needs to feed off of cloth creatures
- Guardian - Yet another term; used in the game files
- WMa - Short for "War Machine A"; the first active war machine in the game, which comes to life in the Ambush Room and eats the longtail, usually startling new players
- 1st WM - Another shorthand term for the first war machine
- First WM - Longer form of "1st WM"
- First War Machine - Longest form of "1st WM"
- Fish Eater - Another term for the first war machine
- Flyer Eater - Varient of the above
- 1st WM - Another shorthand term for the first war machine
- WMb - Short for "War Machine B"; the second active war machine in the game, which comes to life in a long hall, opposite an inactive War Machine
- 2nd WM - Another shorthand term for the second war machine
- Second WM - Longer form of "2nd WM"
- Second War Machine - Longest form of "2nd WM"
- 2nd WM - Another shorthand term for the second war machine
- Shasta - War machine patrolling the second field of the Snow level; also flies over the Final Climb area
- WMa - Short for "War Machine A"; the first active war machine in the game, which comes to life in the Ambush Room and eats the longtail, usually startling new players
- Whale - Large cloth creatures with many parts, first seen in the Tower level
- Hammerhead - Another term for the whale-like cloth creatures
- Seadragon - "
- Whale Tapestry - "
- Sting - A name for the creatures from flOw (another game by ThatGameCompany) that one can find in the Tower; this name is used in the sound/music files, and on this wiki
- Flow Creature - Simple way to refer to the creatures from flOw
- Ancestor - A tall, white Rythulian, met during confluence, who gives you a history lesson; also used for the flOw characters, due to the trophy name, but the game files use the term for the tall Rythulians
- Sage - Another name for those tall, white Rythulians
- Spirit - "
- Advisor - "
- White One - "
- Elder - "
- Ancient - "
- Guardian - Also used for the tall Rythulians, but more often used for the War Machines
- Nick - The Wayfarer that can be spotted at the end of the hall after the first confluence; can be met if the player goes out of bounds
- Gary - The mini red scarf/ribbon/banner found in the Underground; has a white companion named Larry
- Larry - The mini white scarf/ribbon/banner found in the Underground; has a red companion named Gary
Beta Creatures[edit | edit source]
- Squid - A creature that was used in the beta, with a ring-shaped head and two ribbon-tails; all Dolphins in the Pink Desert were squids at some point, with the exception of the longtail, who didn't have the signature long tail at the time
Advanced[edit | edit source]
Fancy Flying[edit | edit source]
General Terms:
- Fancy Flying - Using unintended flying techniques
- Fancy Flyer - Someone who knows how to use flying techniques that were not intended, but nonetheless exist
- Diving - Flying in a way that you gain momentum; the basic dive involves flying with your head down, toward the ground
- Boosting - When you fly upward using momentum gained from diving
- Flap - When your robe 'flaps' like a bird, or when a player makes it do so
- Pumping - Pressing the 'fly' button at intervals during a dive, instead of holding the button down
Companion Needed:
- Tandem Flying - Two players keeping each-other in the air by chirping at each-other
- Coasting - When two players glide forward just by staying in physical contact, no flapping required
- Silent Coasting - Coasting without chirps
- Beaming Down - When two players help each-other float down slowly by falling while their characters touch each-other
Solo Possible:
- Dive Boost - A flying technique where one dives down, and then flies back up on momentum alone; the most basic boost, and the one intended by developers
- DB - Short for "Dive Boost"
- Reverse Dive Boost - A Dive Boost with reversed controls, looking at the sky instead of the ground
- RDB - Short for "Reverse Dive Boost"
- Slow Boost - A variation of the Dive Boost where the Wayfarer dives at a shallower angle, allowing them to fall more slowly
- SB - Short for "Slow Boost"
- Slow Dive Boost - Another term for Slow Boost
- SDB - Short for "Slow Dive Boost"
- Charge Boost - A technique where a player gains "momentum" by flying into a wall
- CB - Short for "Charge Boost"
- Reverse Charge Boost - Charge boosting with reversed controls, looking at the sky instead of the ground
- RCB - Short for "Reverse Charge Boost"
- Dry Boost - Charge boosting without pressing the fly button
- DB - Short for "Dry Boost," though more commonly used for "Dive Boost"
- Super Boost - Charge boosting with a stuck (closeup) camera
- Dropshoot - A flying technique where you fly into the sand/ground; may or may not be followed by a boost
- DS - Short for "Dropshoot"
- Reverse Dropshoot - Dropshooting with reversed controls, looking at the sky instead of the ground
- RDS - Short for "Reverse Dropshoot"
- Circle Dropshoot - A dropshoot where a player runs in a circle? [verification needed]
- Circle DS - Short for "Circle Dropshoot"
- CDS - Shortest form of "Circle Dropshoot"
- Slow Dropshoot - A dropshoot where a player runs/flies into the ground more slowly? [verification needed]
- Slow DS - Short for "Slow Dropshoot"
- SDS - Shortest form of "Slow Dropshoot"
- Slow Circle Dropshoot - A dropshoot where a player runs/flies into the ground in a slow-moving circle? [verification needed]
- Slow Circle DS - Short for "Slow Circle Dropshoot"
- SCDS - Shortest form of "Slow Circle Dropshoot"
- Cave Boost - A technique where a player gains momentum with the camera being stuck from entering Headbonker's Cave
- Cutscene Boost - A technique where a player gains momentum with the camera being stuck after a cinematic
- Flap-Boost - A boost where a player hardly dives at all, but instead is (mostly) upright, and just 'flaps' a number of times
- Fish Boost - Dive boosting while chirping at one or more schools of fish, to maintain one's scarf power
- Flyer Boost - More common term for the above
- Level Boost - A flying/boosting technique where one flies quickly, and with the camera not-completely lowered [verification needed]
- Speed Boost - Another type of boost [clarification needed]
- Scarfless Boost - Any type of boost where one doesn't use their scarf power
- Infinite Boost - A flying technique where one gains height by repeatedly doing a scarfless boost
- Ainshent Boost - A variation of the Infinite Boost, where one uses the same diving/boosting angles, but actually does use scarf power
- Goo Boost - A technique where one gains height by repeatedly charging their scarf in the goo at the end of a dive
Non-Flying Tricks[edit | edit source]
- Faceplant - Making the Wayfarer fall on their face by manipulating the controls
- FP - Short for "Faceplant"
- Faceplant Jump - Making the Wayfarer jump in the air and fall on their face at the same time
- FPJ - Short for "Faceplant Jump"
- Dropshoot Faceplant Jump - A variation of the Faceplant Jump that begins with a Dropshoot
- DSFPJ - Short for "Dropshoot Faceplant Jump"
- Dolphin Chasing - Getting close enough to a dolphin that wants to lift you up, and then running away so that it has to catch up
- Carpet Chasing - Another term for Dolphin Chasing
- Dolphin Tag - "
- Carpet Tag - "
Glitches[edit | edit source]
- Trigger - Something that a player does, or a place that a player goes to, that causes something in the game to happen
- Black Sand - A very rare and random glitch, known to happen on PS4, where the sand is black during (and after?[clarification needed]) the level loads.
- BS - Short for "Black Sand"
- Infinite Flight - A glitch known to occur on PS4 when your companion's game crashes, allowing you to fly without using any of your scarf power; known to occur on Broken Bridge, Underground, Tower, and Paradise levels
- IF - Short for "Infinite Flight"
- Black Cloth - A glitch that causes all cloth to permanently become black; known to happen on PS4 when a companion's game crashes in the Underground level
- Low Frame Per Second Glitch - A glitch known to happen on the PS4 on Zymor/Banjah's hill, where the framerate gets CRITICALLY low, and the sand looks spiky
- LFPSG - Short for "Low Frame Per Second Glitch"
- LFPS - Short for the "Low Frame Per Second" glitch
- The ID Rule - A rule by which the player a higher case ID (e.g. AAexample) receives glitches, while the player with a lower case ID (e.g. zzexample) gives/creates glitches
- Ghost - A lingering model of a companion that is either no longer connected, or who is actually in a different level
- Ghost-Making Spot - Spots in different levels in where, upon disconnecting, one can make a ghost for their companion
- Breaking the Shrine - Changing the appearance/functionality of the Meditation Circle/Shrine[clarification needed]
- Breaking the HL - Another term for "Breaking the Shrine"
- Offsync Goo - State where each player has a different goo level than their companion
- Out-of-Sync Goo - More-accurate term for "Offsync Goo"
Out of Bounds[edit | edit source]
- Backstage - Another term for "out of bounds"
Multiple Levels:
- Sky Box - A cube in which every level is placed, with the texture of the sky. [verification needed] Sometimes visible from outside the box. Known to happen/to be accessible on PS4
- Level Cube - Another term for the Sky Box
- Black Sky - A view that's known to occur in the out-of-bounds areas of Chapter Select, Broken Bridge, and Sunken City, where sky and fog turns black
- Skypainting - A trick where a player flies into certain areas outside the Sky Box, where any movement they make, any position that they're in, lingers for a brief moment. Known to happen on PS4
- Ink painting - A trick that can be done in "blackness" areas outside of the Sky Box. By going in and out of the blackness area, one can create black patterns on their screen. Known to be possible on PS4.
Pink Desert:
- Dolphin Warp - A (complicated) method used in the Pink Desert to send a companion out of bounds
- Carpet Warp - Another term for the Dolphin Warp
Sunken City:
- Purple Sky - Purple-coloured sky that can be found on the north of Sunken City's out-of-bounds area, known to occur on PS3
- War-Machine Capture - A sequence-breaking trick that allows you to capture the second war machine at the Shrine in the Underground level
- WM Capture - Short for "War Machine Capture
- Happy War Machine - The first war machine flipping in the air ([clarification needed] - which level?)
- Happy WM - Short for "Happy War Machine"
- Disco WM - a WM sometimes located on the Southeast corner underground.
- Disco WM - Short for "Disco War Machine"
Tower: ((No terms found yet))
- Ten-Minute Walk - A walk accessible by hitting the credits trigger from some places in the Paradise out-of-bounds area. Makes one unable to chirp. Also makes the mountain and sand under the player(s)[verification needed] disappear
- 10 Min Walk - Short for "Ten-Minute Walk"
- Autowalk - Another term for the Ten-Minute Walk
- Whale Sonata - Spinning and singing whales in the Jellyfish Pool
Out of Bounds Phenomena[edit | edit source]
Multiple levels:
- Black Cube - A black cube found in some out of bounds areas, often where the sky is black
- Blackness - Zones on the North and South of each level where the camera is blocked out; the Companion Pointer still works
- Invisible Ledge - What it sounds like; an invisible ledge that players can stand on
- Confluence Board - A tapestry used in the history lessons; suspended in-air in the out of bounds areas
- HL Board - Another term for a Confluence Board
- Starfields - Areas on the east, west, south, sometimes north sides of almost every level; has colorful particles suspended in the air, and on invisible sand
- Crash Zone - An invisible square on the southeast corner of every map that makes the game crash (known to occur on PS4)
- Disco Zone - An area out-of-bounds where one's colors flash, and the scarf may go crazy; known to be found in the Underground and Snow levels
Broken Bridge:
- The Dryer - A spot on top of the (east?) wind wall(s?)[clarification needed] that can make a Wayfarer tumble continuously
Sunken City: ((No OOB phenomena names found, yet))
Pink Desert:
- Belle Area - A mock-up of Sunken City on the northern end of Pink Desert's out-of-bounds area, visible from the Factory.
- Shadowlands - A place all along the Underground out-of-bounds area; known to exist on PS3
- Disco WM Spot - A place with a frozen war machine that has alternating colors
- Disco War Machine Spot - Longer form of "Disco WM Spot"
- Beach - A place in the Tower out-of-bounds area, seen/accessible when the goo is at the first level
- Death March Overlook - A out-of-bounds Tower to the east of the gates to the Final Climb area/Death March Fields climb in Snow; has a Charge Boost spot
- DMO - Short for "Death March Overlook"
- Alternate Death March Overlook - A wall farther to the east than the Death March Overlook tower; also has a Charge Boost spot
- ADMO - Short for "Alternate Death March Overlook"
- Razorback Ridge - A very thin hill that looks like a knife blade, east of the Final Climb area
- Null Zone - An area under the Golden Bridge (Description please?[clarification needed])
- Vortex - The vortex/eye of storm that you fly through to get to Paradise in the first place
- Dolphin Phalanx - An area where a bunch of frozen (as in 'icy' or just 'not moving'?[clarification needed]) dolphins can be found
- Carpet Phalanx - Another name for the Dolphin Phalanx
Fanon[edit | edit source]
Fanon Creatures[edit | edit source]
- Sandfarer - A Wayfarer with a cloak like that of the sand; considered semi-canon by the person who coined it since it's based off a glitch found in the Pink Desert out-of-bounds area
- Snowfarer - A type of Wayfarer native to snowy areas north of Jenova's Peak
- Chick - An optional term for a baby Wayfarer
- Fledge - A term for a teenage Wayfarer; short for "fledgeling"
- Woolie - A super-fluffy Rythulian; typically a chick
- Cloth Eater - A corrupted Rythulian who feeds off cloth to survive, typically black
- Scarf Eater - A variation of a Cloth Eater who specifically feeds off of scarves, and sometimes cloaks
Fanon Location Names[edit | edit source]
- Rythulia - Name for the land where the Rythulians come from; the general location of the game
Slang[edit | edit source]
- Chirp, yeah! - Like "Heck, yeah!" Also the name of a Journey-themed Tumblr blog
- Hold your flannel - Like "Hold your horses"
- Threadline - Like "Bloodline"
Alphabetical Glossary[edit | edit source]
#[edit | edit source]
- 1st Slide - The first part of Sunken City, where you slide down a hill; a symbol can be found along the way
- 1st WM - A shorthand term for the first war machine you encounter in the Underground
- 2nd Slide - Second sand-surfing part of Sunken City; a symbol can be found here
- 2nd WM - A shorthand term for the second war machine you encounter in the Underground
- 10 Min Walk - Short for "Ten-Minute Walk"
A-E[edit | edit source]
- ADMO - Short for "Alternate Death March Overlook"
- Advisor - See "Ancestor"
- Ainshent Boost - A variation of the Infinite Boost, where one uses the same diving/boosting angles, but actually does use scarf power
- Alternate Death March Overlook - A wall farther to the east in Snow’s out-of-bounds area than the Death March Overlook tower; has a Charge Boost spot
- Ambush Room - Another term for the Ambusher Room
- Ambusher Room - Room in the Underground where the first war machine wakes up, eating the longtail
- Ancestor - A tall, white Rythulian, met during confluence, who gives you a history lesson; also used for the flOw characters, due to the trophy name, but the game files use the term for the tall Rythulians
- Ancient - See "Ancestor"
- AR - Short for "Ambusher Room" or "Ambush Room"
- Arc of Light - Area beyond the fourth gate in Paradise, where light streams down, and players will radiate a golden glow
- Aqueduct - In-files term for the channels - often part of a bridge - that were made to channel cloth fish to different places to be used as as a power source, and now often channel sand
- Autowalk - Another term for the Ten-Minute Walk
- Backstage - Another term for "out of bounds"
- Banjah's Hill - The first dune in Sunken City, right near the entrance of the level, on the left, where Zimcloak and the low frame rate glitch can occur; named for the player Banjah; sometimes written as "Banja's Hill"
- Banner - Another term for a Ribbon
- Barrens - Another name for the Broken Bridge level, used in the game files
- BB - Short for "Broken Bridge"
- Beach - A place in the Tower out-of-bounds area, seen/accessible when the goo is at the first level
- Beaming Down - When two players help each-other float down slowly by falling while their characters touch each-other
- Belle Area - A mock-up of Sunken City on the northern end of Pink Desert's out-of-bounds area, visible from the Factory.
- Black Cloth - A glitch that causes all cloth to permanently become black; known to happen on PS4 when a companion's game crashes in the Underground level
- Black Cube - A black cube found in some out of bounds areas, often where the sky is black
- Blackness - Zones on the North and South of each level where the camera is blocked out; the Companion Pointer still works
- Black Sand - A very rare and random glitch, known to happen on PS4, where the sand is black during (and after?[clarification needed]) the level loads.
- Black Sky - A view that's known to occur in the out-of-bounds areas of Chapter Select, Broken Bridge, and Sunken City, where sky and fog turns black
- Boosting - When you fly upward using momentum gained from diving or another method
- Breaking the HL - Another term for "Breaking the Shrine"
- Breaking the Shrine - Changing the appearance/functionality of the Meditation Circle/Shrine[clarification needed]
- Broken Bridge - Common name for the second level
- BS - Short for "Black Sand"
- Cake and Candles - A nickname for the Shrine, specifically for the round meditation circle (cake) and the markers surrounding it (candles)
- Canyon - Name used in the game files for the Sunken City level
- Carpet - Another name for a Cloth Dolphin, preferred by more gameplay-oriented fans
- Carpet Chase - Another term for Dolphin Chasing
- Carpet House - Another term for the Dolphin House
- Carpets Phalanx - Another name for the Dolphin Phalanx
- Carpet Tag - Another term for Dolphin Chasing
- Carpet Warp - Another term for the Dolphin Warp
- Cave - Name used in the files for the Underground level
- Cave Boost - A technique where a player gains momentum with the camera being stuck from entering Headbonker's Cave
- CB - Short for "Charge Boost"
- CDS - Shortest form of "Circle Dropshoot"
- Chapter Select - Common name for the first level, though may sometimes only be used for the 'Hub' area at the end of the level
- Charge Boost - A technique where a player gains "momentum" by flying into a wall
- Chick - An optional term for a baby Wayfarer
- Chime - What chirping is called in the English PC version
- Chinese Lantern - Another name for a jellyfish
- Chirp - The most common community name for the sounds that various creatures make, particularly the Wayfarers.
- Chirp, yeah! - Slang. Like "Heck, yeah!" Also the name of a Journey-themed Tumblr blog
- Chirper - A cute term for a Wayfarer
- Circle Dropshoot - A dropshoot where a player runs in a circle? [verification needed]
- Circle DS - Short for "Circle Dropshoot"
- Cistern, The - Another name for the Tower level
- Cloth Eater - 1) Another term for a War Machine, 2) a corrupted Rythulian who feeds off cloth to survive, typically black (fanon-only)
- Cloth Dolphin - A name for the playful cloth-creatures met in the Pink Desert; used on this wiki, generally preferred my more-creative fans
- Cloth Fish - A name for the tiny, rectangular cloth-creatures that fly around in schools (or "swarms" or "flocks"); used on this wiki, generally preferred by more-creative fans
- Clothie - A cute term for a Wayfarer
- Clothite - Another name for a cloth fish
- Cloth Ninja - Another name for a Wayfarer, referring to their original concept; still sometimes used in the game code, or for Wayfarers in general
- CMATW - Short for "Companions Met Along the Way"
- Coasting - When two players glide forward just by staying in physical contact, no flapping required
- Comet - A term for the light particles that come from the mountain, believed to be the 'souls' of Wayfarers and other cloth creatures; one of them can turn into a collectible Symbol in the Pink Desert; this term is found in the game files
- Companion - Term for another player met in-game
- Companions Met Along the Way - The list of companions that you met during your last playthrough; shown after the credits, but before the menu appears again
- Companion Pointer - A glow that shows on the edge of the screen when your companion isn't in your field of view; as the name suggests, it tries to point in the direction of your companion
- Conduit Tower - A tower that can channel cloth fish and their energies upwards; THE Tower is a Conduit Tower
- Confluence - The process of meeting an Ancestor; this term comes from the soundtrack, and is commonly used by creative fans
- Confluence Board - A tapestry used in the history lessons; suspended in-air in the out of bounds areas
- Crashed War Machine Ledge - Longer form of "Crashed WM Ledge"
- Crashed WM Ledge - A ledge below the Windy Balcony that you can fall down to; includes a crashed war machine with frozen banners coming out, so that you can make your way up to the balcony
- Crash Zone - An invisible square on the southeast corner of every map that makes the game crash (known to occur on PS4)
- Crazy Scarf - A Wayfarer's scarf that's just flying all over the place; known to happen with the Disco Robe effect
- CS - Short for "Chapter Select"
- Cutscene Boost - A technique where a player gains momentum with the camera being stuck after a cinematic
- DB - Short for "Dive Boost"; sometimes used for "Dry Boost"
- DC - Short for "Disconnect"
- Death March Field - The place of the final uphill climb in Snow, with all the grave markers
- Death March Overlook - A out-of-bounds Tower to the east of the gates to the Final Climb area/Death March Fields climb in Snow; has a Charge Boost spot
- Disconnect - When the connection between two players is lost
- Disco Robe - A glitch where a Wayfarer's robe changes colors; can occur in Disco Zones
- Disco War Machine Spot - Longer form of "Disco WM Spot"
- Disco WM - a WM sometimes located on the Southeast corner underground.
- Disco WM - Short for "Disco War Machine"
- Disco WM Spot - A place with a frozen war machine that has alternating colors
- Disco Zone - An area out-of-bounds where one's colors flash, and the scarf may go crazy; known to be found in the Underground and Snow levels
- Dive Boost - A flying technique where one dives down, and then flies back up on momentum alone; the most basic boost, and the one intended by developers
- Diving - Flying in a way that you gain momentum; the basic dive involves flying with your head down, toward the ground
- DMO - Short for "Death March Overlook"
- Dolphin Chasing - Getting close enough to a dolphin that wants to lift you up, and then running away so that it has to catch up
- Dolphin House - A part of a broken war machine, where a frozen dolphin hides (Which WM part? Before or after finding the dolphin? [clarification needed])
- Dolphin Phalanx - An area where a bunch of frozen (as in 'icy' or just 'not moving'?[clarification needed]) dolphins can be found
- Dolphin Rug - Another name for a (cloth) dolphin
- Dolphin Tag - Another term for Dolphin Chasing
- Dolphin Warp - A (complicated) method used in the Pink Desert to send a companion out of bounds
- Dragon - Another name for a War Machine
- Dropshoot - A flying technique where you fly into the sand/ground; may or may not be followed by a boost
- Dropshoot Faceplant Jump - A variation of the Faceplant Jump that begins with a Dropshoot
- Dry Boost - Charge boosting without pressing the fly button
- Dryer, The - A spot on top of the (east?) wind wall(s?)[clarification needed] that can make a Wayfarer tumble continuously
- DS - Short for "Dropshoot"
- DSFPJ - Short for "Dropshoot Faceplant Jump"
- Dude - Another name for a Wayfarer, used in the game's code (including programmers' comments)
- Dusting - When a companion's character model sits down and turns to dust; happens after a disconnect
- Elder - Another name for an Ancestor (tall white Rythulian)
- Entrance Gates - The gates near the entrance of Snow (which ones, exactly? [clarification needed])
F-J[edit | edit source]
- Faceplant - Making the Wayfarer fall on their face by manipulating the controls
- Faceplant Jump - Making the Wayfarer jump in the air and fall on their face at the same time
- Factory - Factory - Simple name for the War Machine Factory
- Factory in the Sandstorm - A longer name for the War Machine Factory
- Fancy Flyer - Someone who knows how to use flying techniques that were not intended, but nonetheless exist
- Fancy Flying - Using unintended flying techniques
- 'Farer - Short for Wayfarer; may be seen in some fanworks as part of a title, as in "I am [name], 'farer of [trait/power]."
- Final Climb - Another name for Death March Field
- Final Slide, The - The last sand-surfing part of the Sunken City level, where you're more-surrounded by buildings that aren't quite as ruined
- Final Walk, The - The final walk in Paradise towards the entrance to the light
- Fish Boost - Dive boosting while chirping at one or more schools of fish, to maintain one's scarf power
- Fish Eater - Another term for the first war machine
- Fish Room - More-specific term for the area where the first war machine eats a school of fish
- First Room - First part of the Unfriendly Tunnels in the Underground, where the first war machine eats a school of fish
- First Run - Another term for a player on their first playthrough on that save file; can neither be a White Cloak, nor meet a White Cloak (or at least, they're not supposed to)
- First Slide - Longer form of "1st Slide" - the first section of Sunken City
- First Tier - The basic level of embroidery had during one's first playthrough; a first tier can neither be a White Cloak, nor meet a White Cloak (or at least, they're not supposed to)
- First War Machine - Longest form of "1st WM"; the first active war machine in the game
- First WM - Longer form of "1st WM"; the first active war machine in the game
- Flap-Boost - A boost where a player hardly dives at all, but instead is (mostly) upright, and just 'flaps' a number of times
- Flap - When your robe 'flaps' like a bird, or when a player makes it do so
- Fledge - A term for a teenage Wayfarer; short for "fledgeling"
- Flow Creature - Simple way to refer to the creatures from flOw, also known as "Stings"
- Flower - Will often the flower in the Pink Desert, but can sometimes be used as another name for a jellyfish
- Fluid - Semi-official term for goo and water, used in the PC graphics settings
- Flyer - Another name for the tiny, rectangular creatures; generally preferred by more gameplay-oriented fans
- Flyer Boost - More-common term for a Fish Boost
- Flyer Eater - Another term for the first war machine in the Underground
- Flyer Room - Another name for the Fish Room
- Flying Carpet - Another name for a (cloth) dolphin
- Fourth Tier - The embroidery level of a player who's completed at least three complete playthroughs
- FP - Short for "Faceplant"
- FPJ - Short for "Faceplant Jump"
- Frederick - A dolphin that will bring a player to the top of a dune after the group of dolphins is released
- Friendly Tunnels - A term for the first part of the Underground, with spots of light, fallen tubes/pipes, some fish, and where the longtail plays
- Frosty Bridge - Another name for the scarf bridge
- Full Embroidery - A term for when the cloak of a player has been decorated to its fullest
- Full Run - A term for a player that has finished the game three or more times, and gained full embroidery
- Full Tier - A term for a player who has gained a fully-decorated cloak; can also mean the cloak of such a player
- Fus Ro Dah - Silly name for a chirp, especially a large one; named after the most famous Shout in Skyrim
- Gary - The mini red scarf/ribbon/banner found in the Underground; has a white companion named Larry
- Gate 1 - The first gate in Paradise
- Gate 2 - The second gate in Paradise
- Gate 3 - The third gate in Paradise
- Gate 4 - The fourth gate in Paradise
- Ghost - A lingering model of a companion that is either no longer connected, or who is actually in a different level
- Ghost-Making Spot - Spots in different levels in where, upon disconnecting, one can make a ghost for their companion
- Glyph - Another name for Murals; can easily be confused with "Symbol"
- Golden Bridge - Another name for the Arc of Light
- Goo - Liquid in the Tower that rises as one activates the murals, often written as "GOO"
- Goo Boost - A technique where one gains height by repeatedly charging their scarf in the goo at the end of a dive
- Gravestone - Self-explanatory; typically upright stones with a hole in the top, can be found around shrines and murals, as well as scattered around various places - some need to be activated via chirping, or by being physically close to them
- Graveyard - Semi-official name for the first level (used in the game files), but can also be used to mean only part with the earlier part with the gravestones; also used for the first part of the level, specifically, with all the gravestones
- Group of Carpets - Another term for the group of dolphins
- Group of Dolphins - Term for, well, the group of dolphins that gets released all at once in the Pink Desert
- Guardian - Alternate term for War Machines or (less common) the Ancestors
- Hall of Light - Another name for Sunset Hall
- Hammerhead - Another term for the whale-like cloth creatures
- Happy War Machine - The first war machine flipping in the air ([clarification needed] - which level?)
- Happy WM - Short for "Happy War Machine"
- Headbonkers Cave - The cave with the mural in it; can be used to go Out of Bounds
- Heart Symbol - Another term for the symbol that a character has, often used in fanworks
- Heater Room - A room in the Snow level that works as a resting point, where a heater can be activated, warming the player(s)
- Heaven - Another name for the Paradise level
- History Lesson - The visual story shown to the player(s), by an Ancestor, during Confluence
- HL - Short for "History Lesson"; this term is favored by fans more focused on gameplay, often being used to refer to the Shrine, Confluence, etc.
- HL Board - Another term for a Confluence Board
- Hold your flannel - Slang. Like "Hold your horses"
- Horizontal Hallway - Another term for Sunset Hall
- Hub - Term for the part of the Chapter Select level that actually has to do with selecting your chapter (after your first playthrough), as well as seeing your progress on the Symbols and Murals
- Icy Cave - Another name for Shortcut Cave
- ID Rule, The - A rule by which the player a higher case ID (e.g. AAexample) receives glitches, while the player with a lower case ID (e.g. zzexample) gives/creates glitches
- IF - Short for "Infinite Flight"
- Infinite Boost - A flying technique where one gains height by repeatedly doing a scarfless boost
- Infinite Flight - A glitch known to occur on PS4 when your companion's game crashes, allowing you to fly without using any of your scarf power; known to occur on Broken Bridge, Undergroud, Tower, and Paradise levels
- Ink painting - A trick that can be done in "blackness" areas outside of the Sky Box. By going in and out of the blackness area, one can create black patterns on their screen. Known to be possible on PS4.
- Invisible Cloak - When a wayfarer's cloak turns invisible
- Invisible Ledge - What it sounds like; an invisible ledge that players can stand on
- Invisible Scarf - When a wayfarer's scarf turns invisible
- Ironclad Dragon - Another term for a War Machine
- Jellyfish - Name for cloth creatures that resemble their namesake; first seen in the Underground level
- Jellyfish Pool - An area in Paradise with jellyfish inside, and above, suspended (spirit) water
- Jellyfish Room - Room in the Underground level with several jellyfish creatures; first location where jellyfish are found
- Jenova's Peak - The top of the mountain
- Journeyer - Another name for a wayfarer
- Journeyman - Yet another name for a wayfarer
K-O[edit | edit source]
- Kelp - Ribbon/banner clusters that resemble their namesake, first found in the Underground level
- Kelp Climb - Uphill area in Paradise with lots of kelp
- Kelp Room - Room in the Undergound, full of kelp; first location where kelp shows up
- Kite - Another term for a dolphin
- Klowny Mountain - A free-standing mountain at the beginning of Paradise, on the west-ish side, named after the player (Beloved)Klowny, who passed away in 2019
- Lamp-Lit Rest Area - Another term for the heater room/sanctuary in the Snow level
- Lantern Shelter - Another term for the heater room/sanctuary in the Snow level
- Last Slide, The - Another name for the Final Slide
- Larry - The mini white scarf/ribbon/banner found in the Underground; has a red companion named Gary
- Level 09 - A "dummied out" version of the Pink Desert level, from the beta
- Level Boost - A flying/boosting technique where one flies quickly, and with the camera not-completely lowered [verification needed]
- Level Cube - Another term for the Sky Box
- Leviathan - Another term for a War Machine
- LFPS - Short for the "Low Frame Per Second" glitch
- LFPSG - Short for "Low Frame Per Second Glitch"
- Liquid Light - Another term for the goo
- Little Dragon - Another term for a dolphin
- Little Tower - The tower on the north-west end of the Pink Desert, near where a dolphin can be released; has a symbol on top
- Long Sand Slalom - Another term for the second slide segmet of the Sunken City level
- Longtail - A name for a specific Dolphin-creature with a longer tail than the others, found close to the entrance of the Pink Desert
- Lorelei - Another name for the longtail
- Lower Mountains - Entrance part of Paradise; includes the first and second gates
- Low Frame Per Second Glitch - A glitch known to happen on the PS4 on Zymor/Banjah's hill, where the framerate gets CRITICALLY low, and the sand looks spiky
- Manta - Another name for a halphin
- Marker - Another term for a gravestone
- Meditation - When a Wayfarer sits with legs crossed
- Meditation circle - The circle of light that appears in front of a Shrine once all the markers are activated
- Mountain - Either a term for the Snow level (used in the game files, seems to be preferred by creative fans), or simply the mountain, Jenova's Peak
- Mountain Pass - Another term for the Snow level
- Mural - Term, preferred on this wiki, for ancient pictures scattered throughout the game; the image will appear once all the markers around it have been activated
- Mushroom - Another name for the jellyfish-like creatures
- Name Symbol - Another term for the symbol that a character has
- Nametag - Another term for the type of symbol a Wayfarer can have, used in the game files
- Nick - The Wayfarer that can be spotted at the end of the hall after the first confluence; can be met if the player goes out of bounds
- Null Zone - An out of bounds area in Paradise, under the Golden Bridge (Description please?[clarification needed])
- Offsync Goo - State where each player has a different goo level than their companion
- Out-of-Sync Goo - More-accurate term for "Offsync Goo"
P-T[edit | edit source]
- P - Short for "Paradise"; not commonly used
- Paper - Another name for the cloth fish
- Paradise - Common name for the final level, used on this wiki
- Patrol Fields - Fields in the Snow level that war machine(s?) patrol
- PD - Short for "Pink Desert" or "Pink Dunes"
- Picture - Another name for a Mural
- Ping - Another term for a chirp
- Pink Desert - Self-descriptive name for the third level
- Pink Dunes - Anather name for the Pink Desert
- Pit, The - The last area in Sunken City, where you drop into after the final slide.
- Place of the Doodlers - Spot in Paradise, on Jenova's, Peak where players like to doodle things in the snow/white sand (most often a heart)
- Prisoner Carpets - Another term for the prisoner dolphins
- Prisoner Dolphins - Term for the dolphins stuck in the 'window' of the War Machine Factory; oddly, seems to be mostly used for the dolphins that can be released with a chirp, instead of the ones released after the history lesson
- Pumping - Pressing the 'fly' button at intervals during a dive, instead of holding the button down
- Purple Sky - Purple-coloured sky that can be found on the north of Sunken City's out-of-bounds area, known to occur on PS3
- Razorback Ridge - A very thin hill in Snow’s out-of-bounds area that looks like a knife blade, east of the Final Climb area
- RC - Short for "Red Cloak"; occasionally used for "reconnect"
- RCB - Short for "Reverse Charge Boost"
- RDB - Short for "Reverse Dive Boost"
- RDS - Short for "Reverse Dropshoot"
- Reconnect - When the games of two players who already were companions in their current playthrough are connected again; the game will try to reconnect you with your last companion
- Red Cloak - A term for a character/player in the standard red cloak, preferred on this wiki
- Reddie - A cute nickname/term for a character/player in a red cloak/robe
- Red Robe - A term for a character/player in the standard red cloak/robe
- Rest Stop - Small area in the Sunken City level, between sand slides, where a few dolphins and some fish are released, and both a symbol and a mural can be found
- Rest Zone - Another name for the rest stop
- Reverse Charge Boost - Charge boosting with reversed controls, looking at the sky instead of the ground
- Reverse Dive Boost - A Dive Boost with reversed controls, looking at the sky instead of the ground
- Reverse Dropshoot - Dropshooting with reversed controls, looking at the sky instead of the ground
- Ribbon - A term for the long pieces of cloth(-creatures) that are always connected to something; used on this wiki
- Road of Reliving - Term for the Paradise area from the Lower Mountains to the Whale Pools; named such because it's almost as if you're going through the first levels all over again, but shorter, and more carefree-feeling
- Road of Reminiscing - Another name for the Road of Reliving
- RR - Short for "Red Robe"
- Ruined Metropolis - Another name for "Sunken City"
- Ruins - Another name for the tower level; used in the game files[verification needed]
- Rythulian - Name for the species of the main character(s), and other creatures like them, leaked by one of the game creators; Rythulians are officially genderless, but fan characters are often gendered
- S - Short for "Snow"; not commonly used
- Sage - Another name for an Ancestor
- Sanctuary - A term for the heater room in the Snow level; seems to be preferred by more-creative-oriented fans
- Sandfall - Where sand falls, similar to a waterfall; sometimes actually called a "waterfall"
- Sandcloak - A visual glitch where a wayfarer's cloak looks like the sand around it, which can occur in various out-of-bounds areas
- Sandfarer - In game, a wayfarer with the sandcloak glitch; also a character type in fanworks, considered semi-canon by the person who coined the term since it's based off an actual in-game phenomenon
- Sandstorm Tower - Another name for the War Machine Factory
- SB - Short for "Slow Boost"
- SC - Short for "Sunken City"
- Scarf Bridge - Name for the bridge made of a frozen banner in the Snow level
- Scarf Eater - A fanon character type; variation of a Cloth Eater who specifically feeds off of scarves, and sometimes cloaks. Also a term for a War Machine.
- Scarfless Boost - Any type of boost where one doesn't use their scarf power
- Scarfless Flyer - A Wayfarer with an invisible scarf; still able to fly normally, and will gain flight power if a symbol is collected. Can also be used for a player who knows how to Infinite Boost
- SCDS - Shortest form of "Slow Circle Dropshoot"
- SDB - Short for "Slow Dive Boost"
- SDS - Shortest form of "Slow Dropshoot"
- Seadragon - Another name for a Whale
- Seaweed - Another name for Kelp
- Seaweed Valley - Another name for the Whale Graveyard
- Second room - Second part of Underground's Unfriendly Tunnels, where the second war machine wakes up
- Second Slide - Second sand-surfing part of Sunken City; a symbol can be found here
- Second Tier - The embroidery of a player who's completed the game at least once; unavoidable since a first run cannot use the Chapter Select option
- Second War Machine - Longest form of "2nd WM"
- Second WM - The second war machine you encounter in the Underground
- Shadowlands - A place all along the Underground out-of-bounds area; known to exist on PS3
- Shasta - War machine patrolling the second field of the Snow level; also flies over the Death March area
- Shooting Star - Another name for a comet
- Shooting Star Ruins - The ruins where a comet creates a school of fish and becomes a collectible Symbol
- Shortcut Cave - Cave in the Snow level, on the side of the Patrol Fields, which arguably makes the path longer; has a mural inside
- Short Sand Slalom - Another term for the first slide area in the Sunken City level
- Shout - Another term for a chirp, particularly a large chirp
- Shrine - A triangular statue representing an Ancestor
- Silent Coasting - Coasting without chirping
- Singing - What chirping is called in the German PC version (translated)
- Ski Slope - Another name for the Snow Slalom area in Paradise
- Sky Box - A cube in which every level is placed, with the texture of the sky. [verification needed] Sometimes visible from outside the box. Known to happen/to be accessible on PS4
- Skypainting - A trick where a player flies into certain areas outside the Sky Box, where any movement they make, any position that they're in, lingers for a brief moment. Known to happen on PS4
- Slow Boost - A variation of the Dive Boost where the Wayfarer dives at a shallower angle, allowing them to fall more slowly
- Slow Circle Dropshoot - A dropshoot where a player runs/flies into the ground in a slow-moving circle? [verification needed]
- Slow Circle DS - Short for "Slow Circle Dropshoot"
- Slow Dive Boost - Another term for Slow Boost
- Slow Dropshoot - A dropshoot where a player runs/flies into the ground more slowly? [verification needed]
- Slow DS - Short for "Slow Dropshoot"
- Snow - Name used on this wiki for the snowy level, commonly preferred by players who focus on the gameplay
- Snowcloak - A visual glitch where a wayfarer's cloak looks like the snow around it, known to occur in some places in the out-of-bounds area of the Snow level; technically a variation of a Sandcloak
- Snowfarer - In game, a wayfarer with the snowcloak glitch; also a character type in fanworks, native to the area around Jenova's Peak
- Snow Slalom - Slide area in Paradise
- Snowy Fields - Another term for the Snow level
- Soul Juice - Another term for goo
- Soul Symbol - Another term for the symbol that a character has
- Speed Boost - A type of boost [clarification needed]
- Spirit - Another name for a Ancestor
- Spirit Mist - Another name for goo
- Spirit Water - Yet another term for goo
- Squid - A creature that was used in the beta, with a ring-shaped head and two ribbon-tails; all Dolphins in the Pink Desert were squids at some point, with the exception of the longtail, who didn't have the signature long tail at the time
- Starfields - Areas on the east, west, south, sometimes north sides of almost every level; has colorful particles suspended in the air, and on invisible sand
- Statue - Another term for a Shrine
- Sting - A name for the creatures from flOw (another game by ThatGameCompany) that one can find in the Tower; this name is used in the sound/music files, and on this wiki
- Stone Dragon - A name for a War Machine
- Stone Kite - Another name for a War Machine
- Stone Serpent - Another name for a War Machine
- Stone Snake - Another name for a War Machine
- Storyboard - Another name for a Mural
- Streamer - Another name for a ribbon
- Summit - Another name for the final level, used in the game code
- Sunken City - Most-official name for the "sand surfing" level, used in the code as well as the trophy descriptions; also sometimes used for the Underground area, in fanworks
- Sunset Hall - Hall where the sunset, and the mountain can be viewed; known for the sideways camera view
- Super Boost - Charge boosting with a stuck (closeup) camera
- Symbol - Can refer to a number of different things:
- The symbol assigned to a player; visible when they chirp, but can also appear on their character's chest when touching another player, or submerged in goo
- Collectable items that lengthen your scarf; these symbols look different from any other kind of symbol in the game, and will change form before you collect them
- Anything that resembles Rythulian writing; often seen on various cloth creatures
- T - Short for "Tower" or "Temple"; not commonly used
- Tandem Flying - Two players keeping each-other in the air by chirping at each-other
- Tapestry - Another term for a Mural, or for the image shown to a player during a History Lesson
- Temple - Another common name for the tower level, often preferred by creative fans
- Ten-Minute Walk - A walk accessible by hitting the credits trigger from some places in the Paradise out-of-bounds area. Makes one unable to chirp. Also makes the mountain and sand under the player(s)[verification needed] disappear
- Thawing Room - Exit of the temple/tower, by the entrance of Snow; place where players can thaw if they re-enter it
- Third room - First part of the Underground's Unfriendly Tunnels, where the last Underground symbol can be found; last section of the level before the War Machine Slide
- Third Tier - The embroidery of a player who's completed at least two complete playthroughs
- Threadline - Fanon vernacular. Like "Bloodline"
- Threshold - Another name for the Broken Bridge level
- Tier - Refers to the level of embroidery a player/character has, which increases with each complete playthrough of the game (i.e. played from the first level to the end, instead of jumping to another level from Chapter Select - counts even if they jumped back to Chapter Select before continuing to the end of the game)
- Tower - Name used on this wiki for the level with the tower, commonly used by players who focus on the gameplay; also sometimes used for the War Machine Factory
- Transcendent - A fan term for a player/character who's gained transcendence, coined because 1) fan characters can come in all sorts of different colors, and 2) players have sometimes been known to retexture their cloaks
- Traveler - Another term for a Wayfarer
- Triangular Ancestor Cutscene Starter Thing - Silly term for the shrine, by Rebmakash
- Trigger - Something that a player does, or a place that a player goes to, that causes something in the game to happen
U-Z[edit | edit source]
- U - Short for "Underground" or "Underworld"; not as commonly used as "UG"
- UG - Short for "Underground"
- Underground - The underground level
- Underground Passage - Another name for the Underground level
- Underwater Temple - Another name for the Tower level
- Underworld - Yet another name for the Underground level
- Underworld Temple - Yet another name for the Tower level
- Unfriendly Tunnels - Tunnels in the Underground level where war machines patrol
- UP - Short for "Underground Passage"; not as commonly used as "UG"
- Utterance - Another common term for the chirping; tends to also refer to one's Symbol, and how it represents the 'utterance' of that particular character
- Vertical Temple - Another name for the tower level
- Vision - Another term for a confluence/history lesson
- Vision Statue - A bird-like statue in the beta that triggered a short vision. Later replaced with murals.
- Vortex - The vortex/eye of storm that you fly through to get to Paradise in the first place
- Wanderer - Another term for a Wayfarer
- War-Machine Capture - A sequence-breaking trick that allows you to capture the second war machine at the Shrine in the Underground level
- War Machine - A common name for the stone machines that hunt cloth creatures; their remains are all over the game, but the first active ones are seen in the Underground level
- War Machine Factory - Term for the factory at the north end of the Pink Desert level
- War Machine Piece - A non-functioning (or partially functioning) part of a broken War Machine; usually found in groups
- War Machine Slide - Slide at the end of the Underground, sometimes just called "slide"
- War Machine Valley - Another name for the Patrol Fields
- Water - Another term for the goo; can also refer to the fluid in Paradise
- Waterfall Cascade - Another name for the Whale Pools in Paradise
- Wayfarer - A common term for the main character(s)
- WC - Short for "White Cloak"
- Whale - Large cloth creatures with many parts, first seen in the Tower level
- Whale Graveyard - A place in Snow, resembling an old courtyard, where a frozen whale and lots of frozen kelp can be found
- Whale Pools - An area in Paradise with a number of pools, and where two whales play
- Whale Room - Room in the Tower level where the first whale waits until the goo reaches said room; the whale will swim out once the goo reaches that level
- Whale Sonata - Spinning and singing whales in the Jellyfish Pool in Paradice
- Whale Tapestry - Another name for a Whale
- Whistling Stone - A large stone in Snow with a hole that whistles as the wind blows through it, and that offers shelter from said wind; this term is used in the game files
- White Cloak - A player who has collected all the symbols (thereby gaining the Transcendence trophy) and switched the color of their cloak; has a longer scarf at start, which will recharge when they touch the ground; this term is preferred on this wiki
- White One - Another name for an Ancestor
- White Robe - Another term for a White Cloak
- Whitey - A cute nickname/term for a character/player in a white robe/cloak
- Wind Wall - An invisible barrier at the edge of a level that will literally blow you back if you try to get past it; can often be bypassed, allowing the player(s) to go out of bounds
- Windy Balcony - Balcony in the Snow level where very strong winds will try to push the player(s) back, or even off of the balcony
- Windy Stone - Another name for a whistling stone
- Windy Valley - What it sounds like; a valley with intermittent wind gusts
- WM - Short for War Machine
- WMa - Short for "War Machine A"; the first active war machine in the game, which comes to life in Underground's Ambush Room and eats the longtail, usually startling new players
- WMb - Short for "War Machine B"; the second active war machine in the game, which comes to life in a long hall of the UNderground, opposite an inactive War Machine
- WM Capture - Short for "War Machine Capture
- WM Factory - Short for "War Machine Factory"
- WM Slide - Short for "War Machine Slide"
- Woolie - A super-fluffy Rythulian; typically a chick
- WR - Short for "White Robe"; can also mean "World Record," especially in speedrunning communities
- Zimcloak - A shiny/silky, rainbow-looking cloak glitch that can occur on Banjah's Hill in Sunken City
- Zymor Hill - Another term for Banjah's hill